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It lasted 90 minutes without an audience. The candidates talked about the economy, migration, abortion, the war in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip. 

Joe Biden and Donald Trump could not use notes, and the microphone was turned on when it was their turn to speak.

During the debate, the US presidential candidates argued fiercely, including over the Russian-Ukrainian war. What did each of the candidates say about the situation in Ukraine?

Donald Trump's key points: 

  • Repeatedly stated that the war in Ukraine is the result of Joe Biden's failure as president;
  • Promised to "settle" the war by January 20;
  • Called Putin's conditions for ending the war in Ukraine unacceptable;
  • Emphasizes that the money the US spends on the war should not be spent;
  • Said that Putin decided to invade Ukraine when he saw US troops leaving Afghanistan;
  • Believes that Ukraine will not win the war because it is running out of people.

Joe Biden’s key points:

  • Said that Putin is a war criminal;
  • Emphasized that Putin will attack Poland, other NATO countries, and Belarus if he can take over Ukraine;
  • Said that he could unite half a hundred countries around Ukraine, including Japan and South Korea. According to Biden, these Asian countries understand that the war in Ukraine is a serious threat to world peace because a major war in Europe has never stopped within Europe;
  • Stated that World War III is being brought closer by people like Trump, who believe that Putin will stop at Ukraine and not attack NATO countries.

The media noted that Biden stuttered and mumbled his statements, sometimes looking distracted and confused in his answers.

According to Hromadske, analysts' first reactions show that Biden was defeated in this debate. After the debate, Biden's favorability rating in the Gallup poll dropped by four points to 37%, while Trump's favorability rose by four points to 46%.

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