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Every second Ukrainian believes that broadcasting a single official point of view is not acceptable, even in wartime.

A study by NGO Detector Media shows that over the past two years, Ukrainians have become more likely to believe that the media work for the benefit of society and the country, but despite the war, people need different points of view on events and are looking for other sources of information because they are not available in the United News telethon.

61% of the audience believes that the format of the telethon is quite justified during the war. Still, at the same time, almost every second Ukrainian (45%) is inclined to believe that broadcasting a single official point of view is not acceptable even in times like these. 70% of respondents said that due to the lack of different perspectives on the events in the telethon, they look for information in other sources.

The share of Ukrainians who believe that the media work for the benefit of the country and society as a whole has increased from 8% to 31% and from 8% to 15%, respectively. The first indicator is obviously related to the transition to the format of the United News telethon, while the second is related to both the marathon and the predominance of content on television and most online sources on social media aimed at rallying society and increasing trust in public institutions and the government.

At the same time, Ukrainians are more aware of the existence of public media and its role. An absolute majority (78%) emphasizes the importance of the existence of public media, as they serve the interests of the entire society, not just the owner (56%); they cover topics that are not of interest to commercial media, such as social issues, culture, and science (10%); in addition, public media are not interested in manipulations (12%).

The share of the audience that believes that public media exist in Ukraine has almost doubled in 2 years: from 34% to 60%. At the same time, one in five (20%) believes that Ukraine has no independent broadcasters. The same percentage of respondents were undecided.

The share of those uninterested in the development of public broadcasting has decreased over the past 2 years from 24% to 17%. In their opinion (13% of respondents), the media cannot be independent, and another 4% believe that public media are inferior to commercial media in terms of quality and professionalism. The share of Ukrainians who express interest in the existence of editorially independent media has increased by 10% over the past 2 years.

About the study: A nationwide quantitative survey was conducted by the New Image Marketing Group at the request of Detector Media from December 2022 to January 2023. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews using a tablet with a standardized questionnaire (CAPI) conducted among residents of Ukraine aged 18 and older in person. Sample: 1200 respondents, representative by age, gender, region, and type of settlement (excluding the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson regions, and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea).

The study was conducted with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (DANIDA).

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